Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I'm moving on!!
Well...theoretically anyway. In my opinion it certainly sounds convincing. I need that extra little boost to convince myself I am doing something, even if it is only minimal. So far I am having very little to show for my efforts...unless you want to count the giant bruise patterns on my backside from basically being stepped all over the last few weeks. It's depressing really, I am beginning to think I really do have a fat "Step on me" sign strapped to my back.
Its literally the only think I can think of that can possibly explain the occurrences of the last couple weeks. Since moving, a computer dying on me and a new one needing repairs as well, I was left with maybe...only a couple weeks on wow after a rather long break to start with. Very little got accomplished besides some very very minor upgrades. Only a few days after returning to wow....
My net dies. Yeah well this wouldn't be such a big deal...except that it died on a raid night.
Yeah you guessed it...I lost my raiding guild because of my sudden and unexplained absence. Normally I woulda been able to explain what happened and gotten a re invite and my DKP or whatever restored. Well...that didn't happen this time. THIS time the GM happened to have a bad mood or whatever else have you. Whatever you can think of to justify this, that's basically it.
I got shafted. Royally, irreversibly shafted, the kind of shafted where you walk funny for a few days after. No matter what I did and said, it wasn't good enough because this idiot was too stuck on his pride and even though he KNEW he was in the wrong, refused to bend.
So here I am, left without a raiding guild for the priest that just made 8/12 225m and several heroic 10m and one of the worst parts is...on my server, the raiding guilds, are basically non existent. I'm left with little options, and even less of a chance of something changing that. Not only did I lose my spot, but my fiance as well...So it's bad enough finding a guild for one, it's going to be a nightmare...finding a guild for two. We have the bonus of playing a tanking/healing class and that's probably the only thing that will save us at this point.
I am dreading the days to come because it means I will end up spending far too much time, looking and advertising for a guild. Last time this happened to us, it took nearly 3 weeks just to find a guild we could try....
Save me now, I am going to beat my head in out of frustration
Incoming headache....
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
So I found that one of the biggest pains in the world of raiding..
Is a dead computer...thats right, about errr...3 weeks ago, the computer I've had for less then a year has died, failed harddrive.
Yeah, second time the damn thing burned out on me.
Fun eh? Nt really...considering they wanted to charge me a whopping 200$ to fix thedamn thing...on warranty.
On another note though...I moved finaly.
Yes, I did...i amnow, happily and healthily living in australia. With a brand new computer that doesn't kill the hard drive in 6 months flat.
Now that I have moved...sitting here with a brand new, bad ass computer that gets 60 FPS wth full addons running in dalaran...Oh yes, the WoW god smile on me now.
Happy happy girl, I am thrilled to pieces. I will be even happier once I can get my hunter into ICC, the priest though,m is doing wonderfully and has a sexy 5700 GS and I believe 7/12 bosses dead in both 10 and 25 man.
All in all..it's a good month, I will be posting more soon enough, and I will be adding more articles to Huntsmanslodge.com here soon too
once I can actually think of a article anyway...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Joys of Engineering as a Hunter

Well, I've made it clear how I see engineering as a profession for hunters. Yes I know most go for leather working for the big fat 60+ AP to bracers enchant, honestly though, I never really thought it was that huge of a difference. However...Engineering? Now THAT'S a useful profession, though it's one of the most expensive and most painful to level, the gains are completely worth it. Especially as a hunter, rogue or feral druid.
Engineering is great, as a low level hunter I loved it, it was great for numerous short stuns and large amounts of damage when used in tandem with a explosive trap or Snake trap. The decoy's made my life a little easier and the Dummies just cracked me up, not to mention, could be harvested after they died. Most of the uses I found for engineering was from a lower level and in my personal opinion it always made leveling just a little easier and a little more entertaining when you could watch that explosive sheep take out a couple dudes in hillsbrad practically by itself. What always appealed to me with this as a profession was the fact I could literally blow things up. All the time, it was freaking awesome. I didn't have a mage or a warlock, being able to throw a bomb and watch things fall over was one of my little joys. I still get a kick out of dropping bombs into a group of allies in BG's and watching the numbers tick across my screen like happy little death callers. As a casual BG'er on my hunter the mining I picked up gave me Toughness after wrath. Which personally, I loved. it was a GREAT little boost, it's not a huge difference, but to a SV hunter who's stamina can affect my AP? it rocks...I mean it's like free stats for a couple hours of running around hitting things with my little pick-axe.
Now that I have that out of my system, Lets take a look at some of the upsides to this GREAT profession.
Jeeves Yeah, Jeeves...And well, any other of the awesome bots. With one of the recent patches the mats and costs to make the Scrap bots went so down, I basically can give them away. Nothing is better then farming ore, Eternals, meat or anything else you have to farm and not have to fly out of your way to get rid of the gray junk in your bags.
The Choppa! Though this isn't really a profession specific thing...It's still completely freaking awesome, and in my eyes...worth the hours of farming to obtain.
The Arrows or The Bullets This may seem a bit obvious, but the ease and joy in being able to make such HUGE DPS increasing ammo at literally silver a piece without the pain of finding someone willing to make you stacks and stacks and stacks of these at little to no cost? Priceless.
The Wormhole This bad boy is a lifesaver for me when I need to get back to Northrend and my hearth is on CD, or just cuts out ages of flight time. The 4h CD is a bit of a pain, though I do think the ability to scramble back to Dalaran in a heartbeat when you forgot you're raiding that night is well worth it.
No hunter worth their salt and who can correctly utilize the Feign Death ability should be without The Cables . Not only is it a defibrillator, granted it only works about half the time. It IS a raid wipe saver. One of my favorite items in game to date, just because it's literally EVERYTHING YOU EVAR NEED!
The Cloak which is probably one of the best cloak enchants out there in my opinion, given you get +23 agility (roughly 1 point of RaP for every point of Agility, plus crit) I was never very good at theory crafting or math, but lets just say for hunters...It adds up. Not to mention it's extremely versatile, has a low cooldown and is ideal for literally anything. I've seen it used to gank lowbies in Grizzly hills by parachuting and two shotting some poor druid sitting afk in flight, and it's a means for an easy escape in some BG's, disengage+ parachute= the hunter over in Gold Mine from Lumber Mill. Win
Nitro Boosts There really isn't much that needs to be said about this, it's rocket boots. +24 critical strike rating, which as a hunter. is pretty freaking huge for an enchant. Versus the agility to boots this I think is balanced out due to the ability to run like hell which things go wrong...which, inevitably. They do.
Hyper-speed Accelerators Is actually not a bad little glove enchant, it's kinda useful if you're not haste soft capped and can be rather useful for regaining mana through the Aspect of the Viper. Granted it's not the BEST for a hunter, but it's not completely useless either.
Among a few other things that make Engineering as a hunter worth it is things like Moll-E, Sapper Charges, Bombs, Welding Kits for your Siege engines, and actually a rather amusing little thing that's probably the best item in game, just for the amusement factor. Explosive Decoy's... Yeah, they are the cutest little blown up critters there is.
It's the little things that keep me happy...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
10 things I hate about... The LFG System
10. DPS queuing as a TANK when they have no gear for it...Just for a shorter wait time.
9. Under geared DPS getting into the higher end heroics...and then taking the gear you need
8. People only staying in the dungeon for ONE boss, for the chance at their gear/badges or whatever else you like.
7. People blaming the tank for wipes
6. People blaming the healer for wipes...
5. DPS WHO REFUSE to take the blame, for causing said wipes.
4. The Pally tank...with less HP then the SV hunter and STILL expecting to tank H OK.
3. DPS in greens and blues, out DPSing the people in t9 and more epic's then the cast of WoWninjas.com
2. Death Knights who think they can tank as Unholy...
1. Getting kicked out of dungeons on the last boss by someone because they don't want me possibly needing on the item they want... Has no one thought of ASKING?
Monday, December 14, 2009
It starts...
It happened, today I OFFICIALLY became a part of the Garwulf team over at Huntsmanslodge
You can read my first real official post Here....
To be honest I was a little stunned and shocked at the amazing honor of being able to write for one of the most well known hunters out there occasionally. Garwulf rates right up there in my eyes with those like Bigredkitty and the like. When I saw that he liked my work I was thrilled to pieces, even started writing this thing occasionally to fill in between the times when I won't be writing over there.
Hope to see you all over there!
Halls of Reflection...Err Retardation?

It tastes like chocolate...if you were wondering.
Amazing how that works isn't it? Half a dozen wipes and the priest says. "CC plx?" suddenly it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Yes Thank you, I'm the winner of the Ms. Obvious contest. *gets a hat and t-shirt for her efforts*
Really though in all honesty? WHAT is so complicated about standing in the middle of the room, or by the door and using some good old fashioned crowd control? Most of us know what that is, a large amount actually uses it. So tell me why as a hunter or a priest, you're making me stand in the corner and get cluster%$#^&@ by AoE damage, rogues, Tormented Rifleman's 12k shots after a ice arrow and those terrible terrible warrior things who hit my poor priest for more health then what she has. Pug's are the worst at this, I can say in the over 2 dozen times I have run this instance, there have been 2, I count them again for you. TWO! pugs I have been in who don't get me killed at least twice. Generally speaking, it's a wipe several times over before they get the hang of it. Leaving my little self sitting in the corner, pleading with them to get out of the corner and to stop being so completely lazy about it, usually to much failure and tears on my end when they refuse to listen. On the priest, I gave up. I stopped healing them in the corner and purposely let a couple of them die when they were being silly little aggro whores. I don't even get asked to try and trap anything the bulk of the times I am in there, they just go "oook LoS, we is good. Noob Smash!" In my mind it's usually accompanied by a mental image of them looking large, green and slightly orcish to fully illustrate the inanity of the situation.
I seriously feel more and more like this hall of reflection brings out the stupid in us. I never understood why it was a smart idea to back yourselves into a corner and hope for the best while something big bad and ugly wants to smash you into little horde pieces into that same said corner. Maybe he's redecorating? Besides the point, the HoS is a great instance. I actually love it. It's one of my favorites...When done in a way that doesn't make my hunter think about putting her head between the jaws of Errtu and telling him to bite down hard.

Undead CAN BE CC'd people...Traps, Shackles, Repentance, Turn Evil. That crazy aoe undead move that stuns undead that pallies do...yeah that works as well. Not every pug you run of HoR is going to have a tank and healer of the 5k+ GearScore range, hoping to skate through every single time is just teaching you bad game play techniques.
If you're having issues with this instance or know those who are, when are you in a group with someone who cant CC at all? Almost never I can assure you, then perhaps you could pass this little number onto your friends and neighbors...Because I am about to bedazzle you! *jazz hands*
that was too much wasn't it...
Halls of Reflection...A How to Guide to keep your friendly neighborhood priest happy, alive and not willing to sacrifice you to save her repair bill.
- One of the most simple elements of this fight is that you can position yourself in a ideal way to deal with them. As a priest the most effective way I have found was standing on the anvil in the center of the room on the dais. It means anything that comes for me has to go through one of my 4 party friends to reach me in a more ideal situation. It also allows me to zoom out ridiculously far, spin around in a 360 degree spike and shackle as freely as my little heart desires.
- Standing near the door is another appropriate means of dealing with the undead in this room. Allowing you to SEE what is heading your way with a nasty look in his glowing undead eyes.
- ALWAYS CC the Riflemen. They hit, hard. Dealing a nasty ice block stun and followed by a huge crit that is available after said iceblock. I've seen it one shot clothies. You were warned. If you have the abilities to, do it. Dont wait for permission. These guys have been the number one cause of wipes. Some healer get smashed on by these as they are shooting through the wall.
- Healers can CC too?!...I was serious there. Not only are you now a leet healer for doing so, you can prove you can multitask! Channel your inner PvPer!
- Don't go past your tank into the room. Unless it is for a CC purpose, they will aggro to the closest one they spot and if that is you. Enjoy the flight back to your corpse.
- Watch the mage's. If there's more then one who is capable of CC these are the second priority to keep locked down. Their AoE is nasty and they love to go after the clothies, healers and little hunter's who seem like easy targets.
- I repeat, Do NOT expect someone to save your @ss in here. After the first boss it's hell on wheels and you not only have to watch what you are doing, what you are CC'ing but you have to be extremely aware of what's going on with the tank. He can't pick up every single one of them usually on that 7-8th wave of undead. It gets hectic, make sure you are capable of watching out for your own hide at that point. Using any means of threat reduction, threat dropping, or threat transference you have at your disposal.
I know I intend to answer the challenge. How about you?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's about time...
After several months of running around with my Staff of the Plague beast from Naxx 10 I finally got an upgrade. Yeah, a severely significant one. This being of course the sexy new staff from normal FoS. Is it not a ilvl 232 item? No, not really...but well. beggars can't be choosers and Dk's need to stop winning the epic polearm from H HoR off of Me. So Here I am, happy as a clam with my hunter today as She has gotten not only a few upgrades, but about half her gear has recieved a much needed boost from crafted/ ilvl 200/ badge items.
First up on the yum factor? Yeah a sexy new bow that had my name all over it. I still had the crafted engineering gun because I never got the ToC H one to drop. Of Course though wouldn't you know it... two heroics later and guess what drops....

A nice new Staff, which I desperately needed I will add...

A ring, A neck and 2 peices of t9 just to round the deal out...

I don't know, I must say, I think she looks alot better now. I am definitely enjoying this LFG system, despite it's severe drawbacks being things I don't wish to discuss at the moment. Well I will let you decide on the matter. How many badges have you gathered up lately? On how many different toons? How long is it taking you to gear up an really low level alt if you work at it? Currently I am sitting on about 250 for my priest and 200+ on the hunter. And to think, sometime I can do this for my druid, Paladin and Mage too. YAY me?

yeah yeah, gotta love my t7 legs and chest eh? Classy right?
First up on the yum factor? Yeah a sexy new bow that had my name all over it. I still had the crafted engineering gun because I never got the ToC H one to drop. Of Course though wouldn't you know it... two heroics later and guess what drops....

A nice new Staff, which I desperately needed I will add...

A ring, A neck and 2 peices of t9 just to round the deal out...

I don't know, I must say, I think she looks alot better now. I am definitely enjoying this LFG system, despite it's severe drawbacks being things I don't wish to discuss at the moment. Well I will let you decide on the matter. How many badges have you gathered up lately? On how many different toons? How long is it taking you to gear up an really low level alt if you work at it? Currently I am sitting on about 250 for my priest and 200+ on the hunter. And to think, sometime I can do this for my druid, Paladin and Mage too. YAY me?

yeah yeah, gotta love my t7 legs and chest eh? Classy right?
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