A World of Warcraft Hunter Blog...Covering the misadventures of a Blood Elf and her assortment of pets, engineering gadgets, and rantings.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I found that one of the biggest pains in the world of raiding..

Is a dead computer...thats right, about errr...3 weeks ago, the computer I've had for less then a year has died, failed harddrive.

Yeah, second time the damn thing burned out on me.

Fun eh? Nt really...considering they wanted to charge me a whopping 200$ to fix thedamn thing...on warranty.


On another note though...I moved finaly.
Yes, I did...i amnow, happily and healthily living in australia. With a brand new computer that doesn't kill the hard drive in 6 months flat.

Now that I have moved...sitting here with a brand new, bad ass computer that gets 60 FPS wth full addons running in dalaran...Oh yes, the WoW god smile on me now.
Happy happy girl, I am thrilled to pieces. I will be even happier once I can get my hunter into ICC, the priest though,m is doing wonderfully and has a sexy 5700 GS and I believe 7/12 bosses dead in both 10 and 25 man.

All in all..it's a good month, I will be posting more soon enough, and I will be adding more articles to Huntsmanslodge.com here soon too

once I can actually think of a article anyway...